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This game has style! The visuals, the sounds, and the music all have an edge while keeping a cartoony feel.

The tongue-in-cheek laid-back dialogue does a good job of getting a point across while simultaneously not taking itself too seriously.

This game has a lot of great ideas, but my big criticism comes in their execution not being interesting in terms of gameplay.

I'm glad to hear the developer (Clinglinglies/Rye Raccoon) is rebuilding the game from the ground up. I think a fresh start with what worked and what didn't is just what this game needs to be something truly great.

imagine a hotel that turns off a profit from you sleeping by literally selling your dreams when you wake up. Infinite source of revenue for those who pay for an "unlimited stay".

Going to be trying this soon! Saw the tweet and thought I'd give it a go. 


hmmm, a beautiful Visual composition, a side of interesting characters, And such Juicy sound effects! exquisite. Just divine.

I rate this meal 5/5 stars.

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my laptop is whack and it's been a while since the last time i downloaded something it could run as nicely as Motel Snooze, so that was a bonus already lol.

i can't wait to see what the full game would be like. i love every single aspect of it so far.

also, i don't know if it's supposed to be one of those symbolic dream stuff, but i love Chanki's weird flirting


Really like this game but for some reason my laptop goes NUTS (fan running at its loudest, keyboard lights coming on) when I try to run it. Would you have any idea what would cause that?



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 Nice game i love it maybe a little short but is still good. excellent work ;)


I liked the style of the sprites, the soundtrack, and the color scheme of the game.  Good level design. Despite the fact that the worlds of dreams look a little empty. And...I made a gaming video of this fan game. :>

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Fun Yume Nikki type stuff but I would've liked it better if there's any indication where the demo ends, I obtained all 4 forms but unsure if there's any content left.


this is really good and alsoi would die for chanki


Probably my favorite of yours yet! I love the snappy sound effects and the character design is great. Really excited about the future of this one.


after you've obtained the ghost and tv forms, is there anything else you're meant to do to fill in the last bit of progress in the progression room?


this was really good, can't wait for the full game
